I’ve Been Nominated for the Mystery Blogger Award!

Wow! Another nomination for another fun award. And this one just may be the best one yet! I have been nominated for the Mystery Blogger Award. If you have no idea what that means here’s a description.

Mystery Blogger Award” is an award for amazing bloggers with ingenious posts. Their blog not only captivates; it inspires and motivates. They are one of the best out there, and they deserve every recognition they get. This award is also for bloggers who find fun and inspiration in blogging, and they do it with so much love and passion. Okoto Enigma

I’m so excited to be honored with this fantastic award. I would immediately like to thank Ami from UnderCover Superhero for nominating me. If you haven’t seen her blog yet it’s a beautiful window into her life as a young woman with disabilities. But don’t let the word “disabilities” make you think she is incapable of being an amazing person because it’s quite the contrary. Just check out this post The A-Z of Me for example. It’s her version of an About Me page and it is hilarious yet brilliant at the same time.

Okay, here are the rules for the Mystery Blogger Award.

  1. Put the award logo/image on your blog
  2. List the rules
  3. Thank whoever nominated you and provide a link to their blog
  4. Mention the creator of the award and provide a link as well
  5. Tell your readers 3 things about yourself
  6. Nominate 10 – 20 bloggers (if possible)
  7. Notify your nominees by commenting on their blog
  8. Ask your nominees any 5 questions of your choice; with one weird or funny question (specify)
  9. Share a link to your best post(s)

Well, let’s check the first rule off with an image of the Mystery Blogger Award.


That’s done. 🙂

I already listed the rules so that’s done.

I have already thanked and linked to the blog that nominated me.

I mentioned the creator of the award and linked to their blog as well.

Okay, now I have to tell you three things about myself.

  1. My favorite reality television show is Survivor. Several years ago my family and I binge-watched all the seasons that were available at that time and I tell you, those were some of the greatest weeks of my life.
  2. I. Love. ICE CREAM!!! I like to think of myself as an ice cream connoisseur. For example, you can tell how good a place or brand’s ice cream is by their chocolate ice cream. If the chocolate ice cream tastes like a slightly elevated vanilla ice cream (I’m talking about you Steak & Shake) then that place has bad ice cream. Butter pecan is also an amazing gauge for the quality of this delicious treat.
  3. I have been to eleven major cities in the United States. Here they are; New York City over 20 times, Los Angeles, San Diego, San Francisco, Nashville, Charlotte, Washington D.C more times than I can count, Orlando (mainly Disney World and Universal Studios😁), Miami, New Orleans, and Chicago three times.

Now I have to nominate 10-20 bloggers. I will try my best to do so.

Star Wars Shadow Council for swshadowcouncil.com

Robert Horvat for rear-view-mirror.com

Natasha Alvar: moviebabblereviews.com

Evaschon: classicsandcraziness.wordpress.com

Uzuri for Uzuri Art

18 Cinema Lane for 18cinemalane.wordpress.com

Urban Hijab: www.urbanhijab.com

JM Williams: jmwilliams.site

Marathal for deezwurds.wordpress.com

For Tyeth: ftsabersite.wordpress.com

I’ve notified all of the nominees.

Now I must answer Ami’s five questions before listing five of my own.

1. Do you have any tattooes? If so, how many and what of? If not, would you get a tattoo?

I don’t have any tattoos and I don’t plan on getting any but if there was ever a tattoo I would be proud of it would be a tattoo of whatever real-life (not fan fiction) Star Wars project I would be working on. For example, if I was working on The Mandalorian, heck yeah I’m getting a Mandalorian tattoo! 👍

2. Truth or Dare – What was the weirdest thing you’ve been dared to do?

I’ve never been dared to do anything.

3. What’s your superpower?

My work ethic. Every day I wake up and am prepared for the day ahead. Take this blog for example. I haven’t missed a single post since January 10 and that is an accomplishment.

4. Are you a cat or dog person?

Cats are convenient because they can take care of themselves but dogs are SOOOO CUTE!!!! Their eyes are ridiculous and their personalities are infectious. I especially love Corgi puppies.

So freaking cute.

5. What’s your favorite musical?

I don’t watch many musicals but I’d have to say my favorite musical of all time is undoubtedly The Wizard of Oz. Ever since I was a child this movie has mystified me and I cry at the end every. Single. Time. Greatest musical ever!

Now, here are my five questions. I have to include one weird or funny question so let me get that one out of the way.

(Weird) 1. What strange food combination have you ever experimented with and realized it was actually kind of delicious?

2. If there was any ancient civilization you could visit what would it be?

3. What’s your favorite holiday movie?

4. What’s your idea of a dream vacation?

5. Reality, drama, or comedy; what’s your favorite television show genre?

And last but not least, I must share a link of my favorite post which is definitely My First NBA Game! I’m a sports nut, I loved the Cleveland Cavaliers (at least, while Lebron James was there), and to get to see a Cavaliers game be my first NBA experience was a dream come true. Next stop, Golden State Warriors. 😁

I thank you for reading and I hope you have a spectacular day.

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