Tag Archives: Spotlight

‘Spotlight’: A Boring Best Picture

I understand why Spotlight is a poignant movie, believe me, and watching the film, I was suddenly reintroduced to the horrific allegations of the Catholic priests which preyed on children. Children! It’s nightmarish stuff and deserved to be highlighted in a film that didn’t hold back from sharing the grisly details however…while the movie is well-written in every sense of the word I just found it to be very boring.

Knowing it came out the same year as great movies like Bridge of Spies, Mad Max: Fury Road, and the freaking The Revenant for crying out loud I’m just baffled. I mean, I get it. It was a movie of the times, a political statement that faced the allegations head on and brought it to the big screen as a newspaper reporting team from the early 2000s’ was highlighted for their guts to go after one of the most powerful organizations in the world; the Catholic Church. But did it really deserve Best Picture?

The performances by its stars, Michael Keaton, Mark Ruffalo, Rachel McAdams, Brian d’Arcy James, John Slattery, Liev Schreiber, and Stanley Tucci, are super unforgettable. Based off of the template of better films like All the President’s Men with actors whose performances by Robert Redford and Dustin Hoffman I do remember, Spotlight feels like a bland remake with a different topic.

But hey, it won Best Picture so good for the producers who realized the importance of this story and decided to bring it out at such a time.

I’ll give it 87 out of 100 and 4 out of 5 stars. It could’ve been better and its musical score just really got on my nerves, dropping this film’s score down even lower.

I thank you for reading and I hope you have a fantastic day.