Tag Archives: Blogging

I’ve Got a Website Update!

A few months ago I announced that I would be making a new website focused primarily on movie reviews called Her Three Words. What made the site different than most movie review blogs is I would write the reviews with three words to describe that particular film. Well, Her Three Words has evolved into a new beast, Mini Opinion. On this site, I continue to share movie reviews in short, concise fashions but with a little more clarity and information behind each review.

If you’re interested go check out my website: Mini Opinion. It’s undergone a brand new revamp so if you’ve been to the website before you will LOVE the new look. And if you haven’t, well, I hope you enjoy.

I thank you for reading and I hope you have a spectacular day.

I’ve Been Nominated for the Liebster Award!

It was a casual Tuesday afternoon. I was watching an old episode of Beat Shazam when I suddenly got the urge to check my Twitter and I soon discovered that the wonderful, super kind blogger Undercover Superhero nominated me once again for an award. And so, as always, it’s time to list some rules, share some facts about myself, answer and ask some more questions, and nominate more bloggers. Yippee!


The Rules are Simple

  1. Thank the blogger that has nominated you.
  2. Share 11 facts about yourself.
  3. Answer the 11 questions the blogger asked you.
  4. Nominate 11 bloggers (or as many bloggers as you can.)
  5. Create (if you can) 11 questions to ask your nominees.

So, first things first, I’d like to thank Undercover Superhero for once again thinking of me in her nominations. You’re such a sweetheart!

Share eleven facts about myself. Okay, I’m going to try not to give obvious facts and surprise my readers a bit with some new intel about myself. Continue reading I’ve Been Nominated for the Liebster Award!

I’ve Been Nominated for the Mystery Blogger Award!

Wow! Another nomination for another fun award. And this one just may be the best one yet! I have been nominated for the Mystery Blogger Award. If you have no idea what that means here’s a description.

“Mystery Blogger Award” is an award for amazing bloggers with ingenious posts. Their blog not only captivates; it inspires and motivates. They are one of the best out there, and they deserve every recognition they get. This award is also for bloggers who find fun and inspiration in blogging, and they do it with so much love and passion.– Okoto Enigma

I’m so excited to be honored with this fantastic award. I would immediately like to thank Ami from UnderCover Superhero for nominating me. If you haven’t seen her blog yet it’s a beautiful window into her life as a young woman with disabilities. But don’t let the word “disabilities” make you think she is incapable of being an amazing person because it’s quite the contrary. Just check out this post The A-Z of Me for example. It’s her version of an About Me page and it is hilarious yet brilliant at the same time.

Okay, here are the rules for the Mystery Blogger Award.

  1. Put the award logo/image on your blog
  2. List the rules
  3. Thank whoever nominated you and provide a link to their blog
  4. Mention the creator of the award and provide a link as well
  5. Tell your readers 3 things about yourself
  6. Nominate 10 – 20 bloggers (if possible)
  7. Notify your nominees by commenting on their blog
  8. Ask your nominees any 5 questions of your choice; with one weird or funny question (specify)
  9. Share a link to your best post(s)

Continue reading I’ve Been Nominated for the Mystery Blogger Award!

I’ve Been Nominated for the Blogger Recognition Award

This beautiful Saturday morning I woke up to a wonderful surprise. Turns out one of my followers, Ami from UnderCoverSuperhero, has nominated me for the Blogger Recognition Award. So, as always, there are the requirements that come with getting one of these awards and I will try my best to fulfill them.

1. Make sure to thank the blogger for nominating you and provide a link to their blog

I’d like to thank Ami for nominating me for this award. As you can see I already linked to her website above so I’ve already done that.

2. Write a post on your site displaying the award that describes why you started your blog

Well, I started this blog because I’m a movie fan. As a child, my sister and I would analyze and theorize about movies for hours. When I grew older I wanted to share my love of movies to the world. It turns out that I started my website literally the day before Rogue One entered theaters. That day I wrote my very first post titled: The Last Day Before Rogue One.

Since then, I’ve been writing about movies nonstop and it’s been so. Much. Fun! And I thank you for following my journey.

3. Share 2 pieces of advice you have for new bloggers.

  1. Have fun! If you’re not having fun then your readers won’t either.
  2. Write about something that truly excites you. When I first started my blog I had a bunch of categories for a whole lot of stuff; makeup, books, travel, television shows, but then I realized I wrote about movies way more than these other topics so I dedicated my site to films and it’s been a blast ever since.

Continue reading I’ve Been Nominated for the Blogger Recognition Award