Tag Archives: Rey

Star Wars Celebration Begins With a Major Announcement!

When Star Wars Celebration arrives, it’s always exciting as a fan of this franchise, but if I’m being honest, I wasn’t very enthused about the special day. With The Mandalorian leaving me with a sour feeling in my stomach and Star Wars movies being canceled left and right, my enjoyment has definitely waned. And then, I woke up this morning.

There were a lot of exciting announcements, reveals, and details about the upcoming series, but the news that thrilled me the most was the return of none other than Daisy Ridley to this franchise. Do I have problems with the sequel trilogy? 100%. Do I think there were some poor choices made with Rey’s character (retconning her chance at being special without being connected to a legacy character?) Absolutely. Did my heart skip a beat when I learned she would be in a new movie set fifteen years after The Rise of Skywalker? Yes, it did!

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Is Luke Skywalker the Worst Jedi Master Ever?

Well, The Book of Boba Fett is over. I can honestly say I’m relieved. The show had its moments of brilliance (mainly when it was The Mandalorian 2.5) but ultimately, as a whole, the show was a bit ridiculous. There was too much going on, too many flashbacks, and not enough awesome Boba-ness. (Yes, they Disney-fied Boba Fett.)

Forget that though. Let’s talk about Luke Skywalker and his track record of being a TERRIBLE Jedi Master.

In The Last Jedi we see Luke as this grumpy, hopeless old man who wants nothing to do with the Jedi. Even when his sister begs for his help he goes about his business on Ahch-To with a scowl on his face, refusing to teach Rey the ways of the Jedi.

When he finally does decide to teach her the ways of the Force it’s with only one goal in mind; to show her why the Jedi are so awful. He has a point which only reaches a catalyst after his nephew Ben falls to the dark and destroys his Jedi Academy. He ends up infuriating Rey so badly that she found herself willing to trust Kylo Ren more than the very man who once saved the galaxy from the Empire and Palpatine. Ouch.

His nephew Ben turned to the dark because apparently Luke was being a terrible mentor and Snoke was able to manipulate him. Snoke, a twisted being who seems like the last person you should trust seemed more trustworthy than Ben’s uncle, Luke Skywalker.

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I Miss Loving the Sequel Trilogy

Yeah, this is a totally random post but honestly, I’m just feeling a bit of Sequel Trilogy nostalgia. I miss the days when I used to cling to roughly every word and every scene from The Force Awakens and The Last Jedi. I miss the days when my favorite Star Wars character was Kylo Ren and Rey was my personal embodiment of girl-power goals. I miss the days when I used to break down every juicy scene to determine how the trilogy would end. And I miss imagining The Rise of Skywalker to be this grand finale with a totally riveting and fantastic story.

So…because I miss the Sequel Trilogy, here’s a look back to my favorite scenes in the Sequel Trilogy.

Let’s start with the opening sequence of The Force Awakens and the ultra-rad introduction to Kylo Ren. This scene was perfection; a powerful opening featuring the bad guys with a charming hero being captured n the same vein as A New Hope. It was while watching this scene for the first time in theaters nearly six years ago that I knew I was about to have one of the best movie theater experiences in my life.

Star Wars: The Force Awakens L to R: Rey (Daisy Ridley) and BB-8 Ph: Film Frame © 2014 Lucasfilm Ltd. & TM. All Right Reserved..

Ah, this scene. The moment that spurred Rey onto an adventure of a lifetime. This shot, the music, the whole nature of this scene provides me pure joy.

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Are Loki and Sylvie Marvel’s Kylo Ren and Rey?

Loki has been quite the ride so far and while I may have written a post on whether Loki would finally have a love interest in his own series I definitely did not expect it to happen like this…

Loki episode 3: The MCU gets its first official bisexual character - CNET

In the third episode we spend forty minutes with Loki and Sylvie bonding. The fourth episode takes that bond to the next level. And before I go any further, yes that bond is romantic. A lot of people are hoping it’s a platonic situation happening but everything is pointing to Loki falling for Sylvie and vice versa. Just think about it.

They met, despised each other at first, and then when they had the chance they began to talk. He showed her some fireworks from his hand, he sang to her, she couldn’t keep her eyes off of him, and from there on their friendship blossomed.

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My Ten Favorite ‘Star Wars’ Characters: Updated

I haven’t done this in a while because I actually haven’t cared to. I want to make a top ten Marvel heroes list but there are so many shows and movies these days it’s constantly changing (I’ll probably still write one next anyway.)

Star Wars on the other hand is a lot easier to decipher when it comes to ranking my favorite characters because there aren’t as many that I truly love. I think the last time I shared a ranking it was before The Rise of Skywalker and The Mandalorian had come out so…this should be interesting. Enjoy!

10. Rey

There was a time when Rey was my favorite Star Wars character hands down but thanks to Abrams and Johnson’s clashing visions of the character she was dumbed down into a chosen-one type of hero with no clear inclinations as to why.

I liked Rey as a nobody, then she became a somebody, and now she’s a Skywalker. It’s draining. Plus, I love Daisy Ridley but it seemed like she was trying just a bit too hard to convey all of this emotion in Rey for the finale and ultimately just came across as a kind of annoying emotional wreck.

The only reason why I still have Rey in my top ten is because if they announced a Rey Disney+ series right now I would lose my mind so I definitely still harbor some love for the character.

9. Kylo Ren (Pre-The Rise of Skywalker)

And who surpassed Rey as my favorite character for quite a long while? Kylo Ren. It was The Last Jedi that did it as Rian Johnson fleshed out his character by making him a victim of Luke’s failure rather than just a crazed baddie. I loved the character development and was super into Kylo Ren’s story and his potential to return to being Ben Solo.

Then The Rise of Skywalker happened and suddenly he was no longer cool, he was no longer interesting, and he literally got no lines to speak as Ben Solo except for, “Ow.” What type of mess is that?

I remember leaving the movie theater after having watched The Rise of Skywalker the first time asking myself, “What did they do to my boy, Kylo?” I was furious, and still am in fact.

So, while I did love Kylo Ren a whole heck of a lot before The Rise of Skywalker it’s his story in the finale that ruined his character for me. It is only because of his role pre-The Rise of Skywalker that he’s on this list.

Continue reading My Ten Favorite ‘Star Wars’ Characters: Updated