Tag Archives: Stories

My Weekly Short Story: Her Tiny Breaths

Mestra Galerunner would’ve never thought she’d be a mother. As a young elven girl, she flitted about the Asrana Forest after running away from home, getting into trouble, and causing her elders endless grief. As an adult, she learned the ways of the assassin, choosing to exist as a solitary being and elude companionship. And then one day, on a stormy night, she found Pil and everything changed.

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The Fun of Binge-Reading Star Wars Books

Reading is one of my favorite activities. I love fiction and non-fiction, fantasy and American History, I love it all. The books I have never happened to read in my nineteen years of living, however, have been Star Wars books. As much as I love Star Wars I never was very interested in the books. I liked the movies and tv shows, I liked being able to see the characters and planets and watch things unfold visually. That’s why after I went to one of my local libraries and read for the first time, a Star Wars book, I was blown away.

The book, in particular, was Catalyst, the prequel to Rogue One.

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