The Characters I’m Most Excited To See in ‘Solo: A Star Wars Story’: In Increasing Order

Solo: A Star Wars Story will be coming out in nearly three months and after an exciting article from Entertainment Weekly last week featuring the movie my knowledge of these new, and old, characters has been broadened. So, today I’m going to share with you the character’s stories I’m most interested in seeing in Solo. Enjoy!


Thandie Newton in Solo: A Star Wars Story (2018)

In the Entertainment Weekly article I discovered what this character’s name is as well as her involvement in the film. She’s an accomplice of Beckett’s and that makes her super interesting. I know for a fact just from briefly seeing her in the trailer that she’s totally shady. She looks like she’ll backstab you so fast. Awesome! In Star Wars we’ve never fully been introduced to the criminal underworld and the shady inhabitants of its enterprise and, like Rogue One, it’s going to be fascinating seeing another side of Star Wars that hasn’t been shown before.

Tobias Beckett

Woody Harrelson and Alden Ehrenreich in Solo: A Star Wars Story (2018)

When I heard that Woody Harrelson had been cast in the movie as Han’s mentor I already knew he was going to play a crooked character and after seeing him in the teaser he practically screams swindler. I don’t exactly know, of course, how he’s going to betray Han but I have a deep feeling in my gut that he is at some point in the movie. In my last post about Solo I wrote about how exciting it was not seeing who the villain of the film was but maybe I did. Maybe Beckett is the villain. The cool thing is I only have a couple of weeks from three months before I find out the truth.

Continue reading The Characters I’m Most Excited To See in ‘Solo: A Star Wars Story’: In Increasing Order