What’s Your Favorite Princess Leia Look?

Star Wars. It’s a story that resides in a galaxy far, far away, where powerful men and women dressed in iconic robes and wielding different colored laser swords have mysterious powers and follow their tales of destiny while fighting an endless battle between good and evil. There’s a lot to this incredible story that has spanned decades and wowed generations of fans and one of the elements to this franchise that is so much fun to explore is the characters’ individual styles.

Each and every character has a specific style that is created with such fine detail and so for the next couple of weeks, my Who’s Your Favorite? series will be brought to you every day and targeting a specific character and their overall style through their time in the franchise. And who better to start this series than with one of the most iconically dressed fictional characters, Princess Leia?


The Classic White Dress and Cinnamon Buns


This just maybe Princess Leia’s most iconic outfit. With the pristine and perfectly simple white dress, the white boots, and the cinnamon buns to complete the outfit, Princess Leia looks both regal and beautiful at the same time but her shoes show that she’s ready for a fight if it comes to that.

The Ceremony Attire


Here we have a similar outfit to the one that she wears throughout A New Hope but it’s a bit fancier and prettier. She has the heeled shoes, the silver belt, and necklace, the scooped neckline, and the beautiful braid that brings the entire outfit together. This may be Leia’s most beautiful outfit.

Hoth Outfit


Discarding the formal dresses of A New Hope, Leia returns in The Empire Strikes Back with a new look; one that reiterates her toughness and willingness to fight with nothing such as clothing to impede her in a battle if the occasion arises. Her hair is still braided but it sits on the back of her head in a way where it can never get in her way; it’s practically a fancy bun.

Leia’s Cloud City Outfit


With a new change of pace, we see Leia sporting an entirely different look during her stay in Cloud City. Gone is the white clothing replaced by this red dress and long grey vest. Her hair, still braided, is made in a way where it’s still out of the way in case of an emergency but she’s a tad bit more casual than before. It’s a simple but perfect look.

Different Braids, Same Suit


Still sporting the new braids but going back to the old Hoth outfit, minus the jacket, Leia looks expectedly brilliant in this ready-to-kick-some-stormtroopers’-butts-look.

The Bun and Old Dress


At the end of The Empire Strikes Back, Leia is once again sporting a white dress very similar to the one she wears in A New Hope, but gone is the braided hairstyle replaced by a simple bun that has become my personal favorite of hers in the franchise.

Leia, the Bounty Hunter


Leia returned in Return of the Jedi with only one thing in mind, saving the man she loved, and she was willing to do whatever it took to get him back. Even if that meant portraying a bounty hunter in one of the most dangerous places to be; Jabba the Hutt’s palace.

The Infamous Metal Bikini


Leia’s second most famous outfit is the metal bikini she wore in Return of the Jedi when she was briefly Jabba’s slave. Emphasis on “briefly.” It’s a very avantgarde look, considering that the bikini is made out of metal, with the flap of purple giving the look a royal feel.

Leia’s Rebel Look


The rebels’ next excursion would take them into Endor, meaning Leia couldn’t wear all-white. So here she has pale blue pants, a brown shirt, and a greyish-green vest on top of all that. She really looks like a rebel soldier.

Camouflage Look


With a camouflage poncho to wear atop her rebel outfit, Leia looks ready for the imminent war ahead.

The Princess of Endor


Princess Leia is a wonderful heroine because she can be tough but there are times when she wants to let her hair down too. Here we see her as a forest princess; her hair laced with string, a beautiful brown dress, sandals, and her hair, for the only time in the franchise, isn’t tied up.

A General of the Resistance


As General of the Resistance, we see Leia in a look very reminiscent to her style in Return of the Jedi. There are no fancy hairstyles or flowing dresses. Instead, she appears all business, reminding us how awesome Leia really is.

Leia’s Blue Dress


At the end of The Force Awakens, like in A New Hope, Leia appears regal in this beautiful blue dress with her hair tied in such a pretty fashion and the lovely earrings. This is a gorgeous outfit of hers.

She’s More than a Princess or a General, She’s a Queen


When Leia returns in The Last Jedi, the designers decided to show her evolution as she wears not a white dress but rather dark colors. It shows the darkness of The Last Jedi‘s storyline and the darker turn of her storyline, considering that she has lost her son to the dark side, her husband was killed by her son in the previous film, and the Resistance is crumbling before her very eyes.

Yet she still manages to look regal with her flowing dress and jacket, the gleaming jewelry, and of course, her perfect hairstyle.

Leia’s Other Dark Outfit


While the hair still looks the same, this dazzling coat over this black dress is utterly captivating, combined with her jewelry, she not only is an incredible leader of the Resistance but she looks incredible too.

Of these outfits that we have seen Leia wear over the decades which is your favorite?

For me, my favorite look of hers is actually at the end of The Force Awakens. I think she looks so beautiful with her hair and the simple blue dress. There’s something almost motherly in her design but she still retains that grandeur of being one of royalty. It’s a perfect look.

I can’t wait to see your thoughts in the comments below.

I thank you for reading and I hope you have a spectacular day. May the Force be with you.


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