I Love ‘The Sound of Music’

Okay. You know when you’ve heard of me but you don’t realize it’s actually really, really good until you sit down and watch it? Well, that was my experience with The Sound of Music.

For years, my life has been unknowingly permeated by this movie with its iconic songs playing occasionally on television in my presence but it wasn’t until I watched the movie until I realized why these songs are so iconic.

The Sound of Music is only the second Best-Picture winning musical that I’ve seen and boy did I have a blast watching it. An American in Paris is one of the best musicals that I’ve seen but honestly, I feel like this film is giving it a run for its money.


I was so moved by this story filled with so much love and joy. Maria’s (Julie Andrews) relationship with the children that she was supposed to take care of as governess was beautiful and had me smiling from ear to ear while they sang “Do-Re-Mi.”

But, most importantly, I say it all the time and I will keep on saying it, I am a sucker for love stories and The Sound of Music is, at its core, a tale about love.


This scene here where Captain von Trapp finally expressed his love for Maria had me staring at the screen crying happy tears. I love love stories and this is undoubtedly one of the best that I’ve seen. I wish there were more movies these days with love stories like the ones in the 40s’, 50s’ and 60s’; sheer romantic tales like that of Casablanca and An American in Paris which manage to invoke such personal investment while also lovably straying from the R-rated material that I’m personally not a fan of.

Maybe that’s part of the reason why I love Rocky so much. It tells a love story that feels powerful, is told beautifully, and yeah, when Rocky finally tells Adrian how he feels about her, it makes me cry and I’m not ashamed to admit it. I’m a softy.

All in all, The Sound of Music is a movie that I will watch many more times in the future and will now cherish in my heart. This is a film worthy of Best Picture and I’m so happy I finally saw it.

The film is currently available to watch on Disney+.

I thank you for reading and I hope you have a great day.


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