A Six-Year Poster Evolution: Groot

Ever since I saw Groot for the first time in the teaser for Guardians of the Galaxy I have loved this character for his unique Chewbacca-like persona in the film. Of course, the original Groot would end up perishing in the first Guardians movie but, being a tree and all, he would live on through his offspring, another humanoid tree creature named Groot.

His evolution in the franchise has been one of the most literally evolving stories in the MCU and I’m so excited to take a deeper look at his posters. Enjoy!

Guardians of the Galaxy


This poster is so cool. The original Groot was obviously of a much kinder variety. The pleasant smile on his face highlights his cheery personality and the blue background is just…beautiful.

Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2


This poster coincides with the first poster for Groot in the Guardians of the Galaxy films because of the blue color and Baby Groot’s happiness is very present. He looks like he wants a hug. Ah. 😍

Avengers: Infinity War


Baby Groot is Teenage Groot by the time of Infinity War but he’s no longer the smiley character that he was before. Now he’s got a bit of an attitude but his heroism has not lessened in the slightest. If anything, he’s become even more heroic. This is the first poster we see Groot looking like a warrior, showing the seriousness of the events of Infinity War.

Avengers: Endgame


And then we have this poster which is a stark contrast from the first two posters because he is so sad looking. And the black and grey just accentuate his sadness. Or is that anger I see in his eyes?

Each of these posters highlights the three versions of Groot in a lovable way and I can’t wait to see him in Avengers: Infinity War.

I am very excited about tomorrow because the character I will be featuring is going to be Black Widow. Ooh, I’m excited.

I thank you for reading and I hope you have a great day.

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