Is Marvel Better than ‘Star Wars’?: Part 3

Over the past four days I have asked myself the question that is the title of this post. In the past two parts I have evalluated the soaring highs and depressing lows of each franchise. I have even shared my personal experiences with each franchise, providing greater insight into what Marvel and Star Wars means to me. But now the time has come. Which franchise is better?

*drum roll*

And the winner is…

Star Wars!

I love the Marvel Cinematic Universe with every fiber of my being. At face value, the MCU clearly defeats Star Wars just by its incredible achievement.

Over the span of four decades, Star Wars has provided us 11 movies and only maybe four of them can be considered by all to be great films.

Meanwhile, the MCU has provided 25 films in thirteen years and there are at least ten movies in the franchise that are favored warmly by the fandom.

However, even though the MCU is a far more cohesive story there’s nothing quite like Star Wars.

The level of iconicism that is Star Wars is staggering. It literally changed the world, permeating our very souls with its brilliance and inspiring generations of fans. Would the MCU even exist if there was no Star Wars? I don’t think so.

And personally, as much as I cherish the MCU and every moment of joy it has given me, it will still never match the level of euphoric exhilaration that Star Wars can give me.

Take this story for example.

I remember the indescribable feeling I had when The Force Awakens was coming out. I remember my father, the day before its premiere, taking us to our local movie theater early in the morning. It was a chilly grey morning and as we walked up to the theater doors and peeked inside I remember seeing this poster.

The feeling of unexplainable awe that washed over me in that moment is something I will never forget.

I also remember the day that I saw The Force Awakens teaser for the first time. My family and I had gone to Washington D.C. to see family for Thanksgiving and as we sat in our hotel room on the beautiful morning of Thanksgiving Eve, the teaser dropped.

My family and I piled onto the same bed and watched the teaser on our laptop and yes, my mind was blown. It was the most incredible thing I had ever seen. We watched it over and over again utterly astounded that yes, Star Wars was back.

It’s those little personal moments like that that makes Star Wars a franchise unlike any other. And even though the MCU will continue to grow and amaze us all on a yearly basis I assure you, my heart will skip a beat when The Book of Boba Fett trailer eventually drops.

There’s not a single upcoming MCU trailer that can get me that excited. Well, my heart might skip a beat when the Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness trailer drops in January. (Had to slip in that trailer prediction.) 😁

So yes, Star Wars still reigns supreme, no matter how much I complain.

I thank you for reading and I hope you have a great day.