Category Archives: Uncategorized

A Birthday Break

It’s my 23rd birthday today (yippee) and so I’m going to take a break and enjoy some time with my family. Drink a delicious milkshake, maybe do a little shopping, and watch sports (specifically the highly-anticipated Game 7 between the Los Angeles Clippers and Dallas Mavericks.)

I thank you for always coming to my site and reading my posts. It means a lot. Have a beautiful day.

Today Is a Sad Day

Yesterday, five days after the New Year, I saw something I thought I would never see in my lifetime; the Capitol building set in the heart of our nation’s capital under siege. My eyes were wide and my mouth hung agape as Trump supporters toting flags of all varieties–the most startling, Confederate flags–tore into the building, hurting police officers and vandalizing a place that has stood since September 18, 1793.

I know D.C. I’ve driven down those streets with my family dozens of times during highly-anticipated family vacations, gazing out of my window at the beauty of the capital, staring in awe at the very building that was assaulted yesterday.

Sitting here writing this post, I am in shock and more than a little worried about what could transpire in the next few days.

The racist mob of treasonous men and women who were a part of this attack are still lingering in D.C and now Biden has been certified to be the next president officially for the last time. What happens today? Will these #StopTheSteal hooligans return to the Capitol but this time with guns? They seemed to elude to that idea yesterday. And what will be waiting for them this time? A few unprepared police officers with pistols who could potentially be killed by these unruly ruffians?

What’s going to happen?! When is law and order going to once again be restored? Will Trump finally be removed from office for inciting a treasonous act? Or will we let his actions and the actions of the empowered insurgents slide yet again?

Today is a sad day for America and what’s saddest still…the future seems very dark indeed.

I will not be sharing any entertainment posts today because of what has happened but I hope tomorrow will be a better day.

The Chosen One: Chapter Three

Fulfilling the Escape Plan

Rey knew things weren’t going according to plan–she could feel it–so she turned her speeder bike in a nosedive toward the city, evading the blaster fire from the TIEs that screamed by overhead.

She needed to find Ben Solo.

Continue reading The Chosen One: Chapter Three

Mark Hamill Is At It Again

Every once in a while Mark Hamill likes to tease fans about Star Wars and in the past couple of days he decided to mess with Star Wars fans by teasing the title of Episode IX with two cryptic tweets. Here’s the first one.

And then this is the tweet he released yesterday morning.

Lol. Mark Hamill is hilarious. I’m pretty sure Episode IX isn’t going to be titled Star Wars: The Purpose. But his first tweet saying that the title starts with THE sounds actually legitimate.

Continue reading Mark Hamill Is At It Again

I’ve Got A New Website!

I am so excited to announce to all of you that my younger sister and I have created a website focusing on our love for movies through fan art and fan fiction. There you can expect to see digitally created concept art of Kylo Ren or a short story of Black Widow and General Okoye on an adventure together.

The link is here:

I thank you for reading and I hope to see you all there. 🙂

Who’s Your Favorite Classic ‘Star Wars’ Character?

Another week has passed and that means a new poll has arrived. Last week explored who your favorite Marvel heroine would be and today my question is who is your favorite classic Star Wars character? Here’s the list of characters to choose from.

Luke Skywalker


Luke Skywalker is one of the coolest characters that have ever been brought to cinema and he helped spur forward generations of Star Wars fans with his innocent heroism and his immense potential for goodness. He was the modern age Arthur (The Sword in the Stone) in a film created in the mold of a fairy tale and his evolution throughout the original trilogy was just a blast to watch. He had his ups and downs but at the end of the day he was truly the Jedi that he was destined to be and helped save the galaxy not once, but twice. Awesome!

Han Solo


Han Solo was a rogue, a scoundrel, a criminal, but at the heart of the character he was a hero and I think that’s why he appealed to so many people. He wasn’t innocent like Luke or brave like Leia but he was just as much a hero as both of them and that’s why he always there at so many pivotal moments in the story. Without him the first, and second, Death Star might not have been destroyed and the eventual demise of the Empire realized and that’s pretty incredible indeed.

Continue reading Who’s Your Favorite Classic ‘Star Wars’ Character?