My Ranking of the DCEU Movies

For the past four years the DC Universe has come out with five films featuring their incredible superheroes such as Batman, Wonder Woman, Superman, etc. and unfortunately until this year there hasn’t been a lot of praise surrounding these superhero flicks. Now I’ve seen nearly all of them and so I’m going to tell you how I rank these five movies. Enjoy!

5. Suicide Squad


I didn’t watch this movie but I heard it was horrendous. Now I usually like to make my own opinion on a movie but this film did not entice me at all. I mean the name is off-putting enough. And then you’ve got all of these terribly evil-looking characters. I just couldn’t get myself to watch this movie and that’s why this is clearly the worst DCEU movie made so far.

4. Batman vs. Superman: Dawn of Justice


I was lucky. When I watched Batman vs. Superman for the first time I watched the extended edition, which is surprisingly very enjoyable. Zack Snyder’s movie making is very serious and rather epic, which I expect when I think about the likes of Superman, Batman, Wonder Woman, and so forth. The story was interesting, the dialogue was compelling, the music is really good, and the final battle between these three heroes and Doomsday was quite awesome! The only reason why I’m not placing this movie higher on my list is because it was the extended version that I enjoyed. The actual theatrical cut is terribly inconsistent, the story is jumping all over the place, and it’s really poor movie making. Because of that this movie is my least favorite DCEU film that I have seen.

Continue reading My Ranking of the DCEU Movies

‘The Last Jedi’ Is Only Three Days Away!

As the days go by the moment we have all been waiting for is drawing ever closer and I can’t believe it. When The Force Awakens came out two years ago I would’ve never imagined the story evolving into what it is now and I’m simply excited to finally see what happens next on these characters’ incredible journeys.

Today critics’ reviews for The Last Jedi will be released and I’m not reading any of them. I saw the reactions on Twitter and those were all of the reviews that I needed to know. The commercials, trailers, and featurettes have spoiled enough content. I don’t want to know anything else about the movie that I might not know about already. Besides, I’m going to find out everything in three days. I think I can wait a little longer to see what’s going to happen in this movie.

So, here’s the teaser for today.

This teaser is simply a compilation of everything that’s already been shown, with the exception of maybe two clips that go by so fast if you blink you could miss it. I love that though. The people behind LucasFilm are absolute pros when it comes to marketing Star Wars movies. When The Force Awakens was coming out I thought Finn was going to be the new Jedi of the trilogy and come to find out it was actually Rey. And then with Rogue One nearly all of the footage shown in the trailers and tv spots wasn’t even in the actual movie! That means that even though there have been over two dozen tv spots and several trailers for The Last Jedi I won’t truly know what this movie is about until I sit in that movie theater on Friday and that is an exciting thought.

And the Character Today Is…

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Everyone’s favorite ex-stormtrooper, Finn! First, Finn is one of the most original characters to have a major role in a Star Wars film. I mean, he’s not your typical Star Wars hero. He isn’t a heroic Resistance pilot like Poe. He isn’t a benevolent scavenger like Rey. He’s literally a stormtrooper! He was one of those faceless robots who wouldn’t hesitate to murder innocent civilians if ordered to. Up until The Force Awakens stormtroopers were never given a second thought. We didn’t know or care about the people underneath the white helmets. Then Finn obtained a conscience and turned good and you suddenly realize that stormtroopers aren’t just clones programmed to kill. They have emotions just like everyone else in the galaxy.

Finn’s journey in The Force Awakens was a blast to watch. He went from being a mindless soldier of the First Order to becoming a hero of the Resistance by the end of the movie. And even though he nearly died fighting Kylo Ren in a lightsaber duel his bravery was inspiring and I’m really glad that they didn’t kill him off.

Now his journey will continue in The Last Jedi and I am super excited to see where his story will take him this time around. I know he has a showdown with his old boss, Captain Phasma, which I can’t wait to see. I know he’s involved in some sort of secret mission which will have him going with Rose to the beautiful city of Canto Bight. And I know he’ll participate in the battle on Crait but besides those three things I am truly in the dark about his story and I would like to keep it that way.

Finn is one of my favorite characters to ever appear in Star Wars and I’m super excited to see him again in this next movie.

I thank you for reading and I hope you a great day. May the Force Be With You.