‘Destiny 2’: The ‘Curse of Osiris’ Expansion

I’ve been obsessed with the game Destiny 2 for the past few months because it is one of the best games I have ever played. At the beginning of this month the first expansion for Destiny 2 came out and I have to say, it is incredible. Here’s the official game trailer for it.

Yeah, it’s an epic trailer. The creators over at Bungie have become really good at making their cinematic story line engaging and a blast to watch. I was one of the first people to get on the Destiny bandwagon back in 2014 and it has become much more enjoyable than it was then.

So, I bought the expansion and immediately went to try it out and was instantly drawn in by the story and the vibrancy of the new world. Destiny was the most beautiful game I had ever played and Destiny 2 is even prettier! When the Curse of Osiris expansion came out I was hoping it would be a worthy addition to the already massive story that Destiny 2 had and it absolutely was.

As you try to save this expansion’s new character, Osiris, from the mysterious world of Mercury you embark on an epic quest that takes you into Mercury’s glorious past, future, and present while you fight off the annoying pests, the Vex, throughout your adventures.

There are new dungeons, new mulitplayer maps, a brand new raid to explore, and most importantly, lots of new armor and weapons to acquire. I’m still trying to finish all of the content that came with Destiny 2 but Curse of Osiris is a fabulous add-on to this already wonderful game.

My Conclusion of Curse of Osiris

Now, if you’re wondering if this expansion has a lot of content unfortunately there isn’t. The story would take about, I’d say, three hours to complete if you go through it all at once with at least one snack break but because I just can’t get away from the fun competitive multiplayer I still haven’t completed the story yet.

One of my favorite things about the Destiny games are their music and Curse of Osiris does not disappoint. The theme for this new expansion is Ancient Egyptian-oriented and the music sounds that way too. As you’re running through the gorgeous world of Mercury, the massive Egyptian themed structures towering around you and the massive sun glowing on the planet’s horizon, it really provides a euphoria that I’ve rarely experienced with other games.

Destiny 2 is not only a blast to play but can also be therapeutic at times and this new expansion only increases that happiness that I get when I play this game.

I would definitely give the expansion, Curse of Osiris, a 4.7 out of 5 stars and a 9 out of 10. While it is really fun the story isn’t very large and that is always a slight bummer, especially that the next expansion won’t be coming out until next spring. It is very fun though and if you don’t play Destiny I highly recommend that you at least try it. There’s a free trial going on for Destiny 2 right now and if you’re interested in checking it out you won’t be disappointed in the slightest. I know I wasn’t when I tried the free trial for the first Destiny. In fact, I ended up getting the game, that’s how incredible it was.

I thank you for reading my review and I hope you have a beautiful day.  

Only Two Days Remain Until ‘The Last Jedi’!

I can’t believe it but it literally is only a couple of days until all of my questions for The Last Jedi will finally be answered. Like who are Rey’s parents? Why did Kylo Ren turn to the dark side? Why does Luke say, “It’s time for the Jedi to end?” What is going to happen in this film that is so shocking? All of these questions have been nagging at me and I’m stunned that they will be answered in two days. It really is an incredible thought.

So here’s the teaser for today.

Yes, it is the actual teaser for The Last Jedi. I decided to put it up because the movie is coming out in two days and what better to celebrate this day than with the teaser we saw back in April of this year.

I remember when I saw this teaser for the first time. I was blown away like millions of other fans. Now December 15th is right around the corner and this teaser feels ancient yet relevant at the same time. I can’t wait to see this next chapter in the Star Wars saga.

And the Character Today Is…

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Kylo Ren! In The Force Awakens Kylo Ren was a Darth Vader-wannabe. He hid behind his mask to make himself appear more menacing because he wasn’t confident in himself. He also used the mask to try to conceal the light within him even though it was there all of the time. When he murdered his father, Han Solo, it seemed like he had truly turned to the dark side but according to these trailers and tv spots it seems like he’s more confused about his place between these two sides of the Force than ever before and I love it.

In the two previous trilogies the stories were focused solely on the heroes of the movies but in this trilogy Kylo Ren’s story is just as important as Rey’s. That’s exciting because from a storyteller’s point of view you have to bring something new to the table and that’s difficult when it comes to Star Wars. Kylo Ren might be a villain in this film (or is he?) but his story isn’t being reduced because of that. In this next film I feel that we’ll know more about him than in the previous movie and I can’t wait to see what happens.

I thank you for reading and I hope you have a wonderful day. May the Force Be With You.