This Is The Funniest Thing I’ve Seen All Day

So I was just checking out to see what was new and as I scrolled down the home page I saw this two-minute long video displaying the LEGO version of The Last Jedi. Now, let me give you a brief history of my experience with legos. When I was younger I had a Wii and a few of my favorite games was LEGO The Lord of the Rings (fantastic game by the way,) LEGO Harry Potter Years 1-4, and LEGO Star Wars. These games made me love the LEGO version of some of my favorite movies. Then when I got an XBOX One I also ended up getting LEGO The Hobbit and LEGO The Force Awakens, both of which I enjoyed playing immensely. If there just so happened to be a LEGO The Last Jedi I would own it on the first day, that’s how fun and hilarious these games are.

So anyway, like I said before, I saw this two-minute video of the LEGO version of The Last Jedi and I just had to watch it. Check it out:

This is literally one of the funniest things I have ever seen. It’s the entire story of the original trilogy plus The Force Awakens plus The Last Jedi all within two minutes and it’s just absurdly perfect and comedic. I love legos, I loved The Lego Movie when it came out four years ago (I actually own it,) I love seeing these characters I know so well depicted as LEGO toys, and the child narrating the short film only made it funnier.

I love hilarious stuff and you can’t go wrong with legos. I hope this made you laugh as much as it made me laugh and I thank you for reading. Have a beautiful day and May the LEGOs (hee-hee) be with you.

The Five Best Scenes of ‘Rogue One’

When Disney announced that, along with a new trilogy, there would be Star Wars stand-alone films I was undoubtedly skeptical. I love Star Wars and I know there are tons of stories in the universe that hadn’t been told but I wasn’t exactly sure if these Star Wars stories would be enjoyable or not. And then when I found out the first Star Wars story was going to be about the rebels who stole the Death Star plans I was even more unenthusiastic. That was a story I didn’t think needed to be told, a story that I wasn’t very interested in, but I held out hope that LucasFilm knew what they were doing and this was going to be an amazing film. Well, Rogue One ended up becoming an incredible, no, extraordinary movie that took what I thought of Star Wars to a whole other level. Now Solo: A Star Wars Story is coming out in a matter of months and if it’s anything like I think it could be it’s going to blow a lot of minds.

So, today, I’m going to share with you the five scenes from Rogue One that have made this film my second favorite Star Wars movie ever made. Enjoy!

1. The Death Star Test


The moment when Rogue One hits another gear in the already good movie status is when the Death Star obliterates Jedha. It’s such a horrifically riveting scene as the rebel heroes try to escape the planet before being crushed by mountain sized boulders and buried in the roiling sand and it’s the first time the Death Star was ever tested, making this scene all the more important. I mean, the glee on the Imperials’ faces as they watch the poor city of Jedha eradicated within minutes is slightly terrifying to witness.

The other day I watched Rogue One and something dawned on me. Jyn Erso saved a little girl during the skirmish between Saw’s rebels and the Imperial stormtroopers on Jedha but that girl still ended up dying thanks to the Death Star. That’s a sad realization I discovered and it makes the rebels’ goal to rid the galaxy of the genocidal weapon that much more understandable.

Continue reading The Five Best Scenes of ‘Rogue One’

‘Jumanji: Welcome To the Jungle’ Is the Surprise Hit I Wasn’t Expecting

So last December Jumanji: Welcome To the Jungle came out I think a week after The Last Jedi and even though it had some pretty stiff competition against the Star Wars it did a very decent job at the box-office, officially making roughly $900 million in its box-office run (*jaw dropped*) which is very impressive indeed. But even though it had such a great run at the movie theaters I wasn’t totally convinced that this movie would be good or not. Rotten Tomatoes gave it a menial score of 76% and the commercials I saw made this film look like something I wouldn’t want to watch. And then in the past week I kept seeing commercials boasting that Jumanji: Welcome to the Jungle was still in theaters and coming out on digital at the same time. That was the moment when I thought to myself, “Maybe this movie is actually good?”

So, yesterday I rented the movie and low and behold it was FANTASTIC! There’s not a lot of times when I watch a comedy and it’s actually really good but this was one of those rare surprises that reminds me why I love movies so much. The story was refreshingly simple; a group of high school students stuck in detention ended up sucked into a game called Jumanji and they had to, of course, finish the game in order to escape and return to their regular lives. In Jumanji, however, they were transformed into the game characters they chose which was absolutely hilarious and led to some very great character interaction that had me laughing non-stop.


Spencer, the nerd boy, was Dr. Bravestone, a.k.a Dwayne Johnson. The football player, Fridge, was Kevin Hart, a zoologist. The nerd girl was Karen Gillan’s character, the Killer of Men (ha-ha!) And the pretty, popular girl, Bethany, was Jack Black (which was even funnier.) This combo of actors was perfect for the film and they made the movie so enjoyable from beginning to end.

If you’re a gamer (which I am) this movie is even funnier because it really does strike the imagination of what it would be like if you were stuck in a game. And it conveyed to me how much I wouldn’t want to be trapped in a game. Jeez.

To my great surprise there was nothing in the movie that I didn’t enjoy.  I mean this film was laugh-out-loud funny throughout the entire film and the story never let up or got corny. And, I have to admit, I did get a little emotional from this movie as well. I held back the tears because I didn’t want to embarrass myself by crying at Jumanji but it definitely touched my heartstrings at a certain point in the movie.

My Conclusion of the Film


I’m glad to say this movie got a grip on me on early on into the film and it didn’t let go. It was impeccably written, perfectly cast, the action was exciting, the situations were riveting, the movie was funny, and like I said before, the film definitely plucked at my heartstrings I’d say a couple of times.

I will give this film a 95 out of a 100 and 4.5 out of 5 stars. While it is one of the better comedies I’ve seen in a long while it definitely isn’t the best movie I’ve ever seen and that’s the only reason why I didn’t give it a 100 or 5 stars. But, if you haven’t seen this movie or you’re a little curious about it like I was I highly recommend that you watch it. It’s the perfect film to watch if you’re bored and you need a light movie to brighten your day.

I thank you for reading my review and I hope you have a wonderful day.